
Infini IES-0000G Full Set Elastic Sanding Film

Infini IES-0000G Full Set Elastic Sanding Film

Infini Model Elastic Sanding Film Full Set of 7 grades, 220, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1500 and 2500..


Infini Model Easycutting Mat Type A

Infini Model Easycutting Mat Type A

Type A allows you to cut masking tape to perfectly straight lines quickly and easily. Produced from ..


Infini Model Easycutting Mat Type B

Infini Model Easycutting Mat Type B

Type B allows you to cut masking tape to perfect curves or circles and squares. Using with a compas..


Infini Model Easycutting Mat Type C

Infini Model Easycutting Mat Type C

Type C allows you to create large radius lines and R's. This board also features radius and degree m..


Infini Model Easycutting Mat Type D

Infini Model Easycutting Mat Type D

Type D allows you to create triangles, hexagons, chevrons and even more complex shapes from one piec..


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